Google Analytics Update (beta)
If, like us, you are big fans of Google Analytics, you may be interested to sign up for the new Google Analytics Update beta. Google regularly make this amazing product better by adding features which make it more an more useful.
Google Analytics Updated Interface
This Google Analytics Update provides a some juicy new features in the user interface. The new interface is geared towards the business owner rather than the analytics professional. Metrics are groups and simplified and the biggest change is an improved ability to compare two metrics and a more flexible dashboard editor which allows you to create multiple dashboards.
The new interface allows you to create multiple dashboards built with widgets. You can create metrics (which show a numerical value of a metric over a period of time), Pie Charts, Timelines (which graph your metric over time including the ability to to compare two metrics in the same graph) and Tables for cross comparison of data.
The most exciting development in the new interface is the ability to simply compare two metrics. This is tricky in the current interface but with the beta interface it is easy to compare stats from for example Facebook and Google, so you can more easily see which is bringining you the better converting traffic.
If you’d like to sign up for the Google Analytics Update beta you can do so at the link above.