When writing for the web you will mostly need to be your own editor. Certainly if you write for your website or blog, you will have the final say. If you are not used to editing then it may come as a surprise to learn that editing should be done after you have written your […]
Oxford Social Media Conference
I spent the day at the Oxford Internet Institute Social Media Conference. It was a fascinating conference with some extremely experienced speakers including Dave Sifry who started Technorati and Mark Rogers CEO of Market Sentinel. If you are not familiar with Technorati they provide a specialised blog search engine that Dave started in 2002, so […]
Double your website visitors!
Could you double or even quadruple your website visitors? If you get enquiries from your website and those enquiries convert to approximately 5% of your revenue and you turnover £1,000,000 and make 5% net profit before tax, that means that those enquiries from your website contribute approximately £2,500 profit to your business. By doubling, quadrupling […]