Even though it’s only 140 characters long, for all its simplicity, finding my voice on Twitter was an interesting challenge. IBM’s social computing guidelines are considered to be amongst the best in the world. In them IBM recommends a simple idea: “Speak in the first person. Use your own voice; bring your own personality to […]
To Twitter or not to Twitter
People who attend our SEO and Social Media Marketing seminar who are not yet using Twitter, frequently ask us whether they should start to use Twitter in their marketing. There is a little doubt that Twitter provides another way to engage with your audience and it allows you to initiate a relationship with people who […]
What do You Tweet about Your Business?
In an attempt to bring some ideas to the question of what to tweet about your business we have kicked-off a blog post which I hope will help jump-start your creativity and we’d love to hear what you tweet about in your business. Contribute your ideas by leaving a comment below. Starting a new business […]
5 Ways to Use Twitter Search in Your Business
Any time someone mentions your business, competitors or a product you sell or a trend in your market on Twitter you can know about it using Twitter Search. If you are not familiar with Twitter Search watch this video for a brief overview of Twitter Search Here are some ways you could use Twitter Search […]
Social Media Policy Examples
As more and more companies try to grow their business and find their voice on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, it is inevitable that guidelines are going to have to be formed. Small and medium sized companies will need to guide employees carefully on how to use social media sites on the company’s […]