When writing for the web you will mostly need to be your own editor. Certainly if you write for your website or blog, you will have the final say. If you are not used to editing then it may come as a surprise to learn that editing should be done after you have written your […]
5 Ways to Use Twitter Search in Your Business
Any time someone mentions your business, competitors or a product you sell or a trend in your market on Twitter you can know about it using Twitter Search. If you are not familiar with Twitter Search watch this video for a brief overview of Twitter Search Here are some ways you could use Twitter Search […]
Could you Sell Information at 100% Profit?
Are there information products locked up in your business? If you think about your business from another angle could you be packaging up a process, a training you currently do manually at the moment or some detailed knowledge that you or your team have into an electronically delivered product? Here are some of the reasons […]
Internet Marketing is a Direct Response Medium
There are three elements to a direct response piece and if any of the three are missing then the direct response piece is likely to fail. These three elements are: An offer Information to support the offer A mechanism by which the customer can make a response Direct response marketing sells directly to the person […]
Tell-a-Friend Scripts: Viral Marketing
Using a ‘Tell-a-friend’ page can be a really effective way to build your list. They are usually best to implement on the page after a prospect signs up for a free offer. After the sign up page, route them to a landing page, commonly called a “Thank You” page, where you can offer them a […]